Endless Demo Update MK. X

So I finally found the motivation to finally do some proper work (and a rework in this case) on my project once again. This update is mainly focused on improving the guns and how they feel to shoot and handle as well as fixing a bunch of bugs that slipped through previous versions and optimizing A LOT of the games code, making it not only easier to understand and diagnose issues but also potentially reducing the games file size by a tiny bit. (Don't quote me on this though, I just assume this will.)

However as much as I've improved and changed a lot of the game's core mechanics I could not put everything I wanted into the gun rework as I wanted to at-least push something before the end of the year and also not push something so experimental and potentially unbalanced, I won't list everything but to give some numbers I wanted to add 5 more features to the guns and 1 change to item drops but I plan to add them along with a balance pass on all the guns in next update.

Highlights of this update:

  • 2 New Guns + their respective attachments
  • General Gun rework (Fire modes, New holo sight, chambering an additional round, etc.)
  • Firing range now feels like a sandbox as intended.- New AK based parts + other gun parts/attachments
  • Damage intake indicators
  • A lot of new optic reticles
  • Handful of bug fixes

General Changes:

  • New gun: MP7A2
  • Plus 2 new magazines, 3 new muzzle devices, 3 new barrels exclusively for the MP7.
  • New gun: P90
  • Plus 3 new muzzle devices, 3 new barrels exclusively for the P90.
  • Remade Firing Range
  • Overhauled gun framework and how they feel to use:
    • Renamed "Recovery" to "Ergonomics" in most UI elements.
    • ADSing is now pinpoint accurate (excluding shotguns of course) but as a trade off have a smooth controllable recoil. - I might give shotguns a consistent pellet pattern when ADSing while using a specific muzzle device mod in the future.
    • Gave each gun their respective selectable fire-modes with benefits to each fire-mode - Currently there's no statistical advantage to using any fire-mode other than full-auto but I have a couple plans for the next update when it comes. (Semi = 1.5x weak-point damage, burst = Recoil/spread reduction, Full-Auto = no benefit - Alternatively I could make mods that only work or are based around the fire-modes the gun is set to.)
    • Changed holographic sight reticles to draw on a widget in world space instead of on a flat plane in the world.
    • Guns will now be pulled closer to the player when up against a wall or object.
    • Decreased the visual potency of normal body hits from close range - Done but could be worked on a little more.
    • Killing blow headshot particles emit vertically now.     - All Blood impact effects are more visible from longer distances away.
    • All Blood particles now fall slightly slower, last longer and have less velocity.
    • Changed accuracy recoil recovery to use constant interpolation instead of a smooth interpolation.
    • Re-adjusted the force of each gun applies to physical objects and bodies when shooting them.
    • ADSing with an optic will now zoom in the camera slightly - Each Optic will now detail how much zoom the Optic will provide when ADSing.
    • Changed reload sounds for: M4, M1911, G18c, FDC-9, R870 - Using Sounds from Ovani's Sound packs, more guns will have their sounds changed in the future.
    • Changed fire sounds for: M4, M1911
    • Updated animations for: M4, M1911, R870, AK-47, G18c, Desert Eagle .44, SPAS-12 - More animation upgrades are coming soon.
    • Player Bullets now ricochet off of angled surfaces - Velocity is reduced with each ricochet, Projectiles will ricochet until their velocity drops down under 25,000 UE/units.
    • Dead bodies now emit blood particles and can be moved when shot. - When landing a shot that kills an enemy, their body is no longer thrown dependant on the weapon's damage but a separate value dictating it's intended force.
    • Reduced the muzzle flashes of all guns by 25% to reduce visual pollution.
    • Changes to reload animations - Nothing that should be noticeable yet as those changes are still in progress, reloads should feel the same as before.
    • Allowed weapons to chamber an additional round performing a partial reload. - Every gun, except the AA-12 and M11/9, can chamber an additional round.
    • Reloading on an empty magazine actually drop an empty magazine.
    • Shell ejections are now tied to animations and no longer rely on timers.
    • Shell ejection trajectories now correctly follow the gun's ejection port properly.
    • Incremental reloads are now tied to animations
    • Weapons that use incremental reloads can now be cancelled by pressing fire. - Cancelling a reload does not also fire the gun, you must pull the trigger again in order to fire the weapon.
    • Weapons that use incremental reloads now must wait until the weapon can be fired again in order to start reloading.
  • Increased Ammo yield from Rifle, Shotgun and SMG boxes by 2x.
  • Added directional damage intake indicators. - Indicator will face the direction of the enemy that damaged you and will be red when taking health damage & your armour colour when taking armour damage.
  • Changed melee attack to use a pass-through projectile instead that slows down as it travels.
    • The melee projectile will also launch and ignite explosive barrels on direct hits.
  • Changed the crosshair widget to be world space instead of screen space.
    • Crosshair will be anchored 500 UE-units in front of the camera.
  • Added an option for hit-markers to change how open or closed they are.
  • Only a select few has this option at the moment.
  • Added models for the different Buffer Tube Stock mods
  • Added models for the different AK hand-guards
  • Added models for the different AK Stock mods 
    • Changing the Stock now also changes the look of the grip as well.
  • Changed AK-47 barrel and receiver models to fix z-fighting when combining the short barrel mods with muzzle devices.
  • Added AK-47 20, 40 rnd. magazines and 75 rnd. drum magazine mods and their respective models.
  • Added G18c Pistol Stock - Added AA-12 32rnd. Drum Magazine
  • Readjusted Recoil and Recovery rate values of available guns to fit the recoil and spread changes. - Guns absent from this list remain unchanged. M4 was used as a base line for the following changes.
    • AK-47: Recoil: 200 > 200 Recovery: 1.0x > 2.0x
    • G18c: Recoil: 150 > 250 Recovery: 1.0x > 4.0x
    • M11/9: Recoil: 200 > 200 Recovery: 1.25x > 3.5x
    • FDC-9: Recoil: 100 > 250 Recovery: 1.0x > 5.0x
    • R870: Recoil: 400 > 400 Recovery: 0.5x > 0.8x
    • SPAS-12: Recoil: 500 > 500 Recovery: 2.0x > 2.5x
    • Desert Eagle .44: Recoil: 300 > 300 Recovery: 0.5 > 0.75
  • Moved all damage handling code into NPCs. - Currently experimenting with this change. If things start misbehaving on a grand scale, I will revert this change.
  • Changed the enemy info bar to have a smooth fade out after 1 second of being displayed after the enemy has taken damage.
  • Added an option to hide weapon model & attachments.
  • When weapon model is hidden, ADSing will use the crosshair instead of the optic's reticule.
  • Added an option to hide enemy info bars.
  • Added an option to hide damage numbers.
  • Added an option to hide the top and bottom elements of the horizontal dynamic crosshairs.
  • Added an option for different crosshairs for each weapon type.
    • By extension selecting a sprite or finishing an input on a colour slider will now save the crosshair even when tweaking weapon specific crosshairs, No need to press "Apply Settings" button after each tweaked crosshair.
  • Slightly Nerfed M1911 10rnd magazines to now reduce reload speed by 0.05/s with the depleting gimmick.
  • Originally was intended to have a negative depleting effect on but I simply forgot to add the effect.
  • Changed tutorial messages to not lock the player in place or obscure their view.
  • Added 56 holographic optic reticles.
  • Increased M1911 Reload Time (1.0s > 1.5s)
  • Starting a reload while ADSing will now take the player out of ADS
    • Holding aim while reloading will allow you to aim after the reload is finished.
  • Further adjusted the enemy info bar to be even higher as to not obscure targets at distances that the player would typically engage them at.
  • Fixed Stock Desert Eagle .44 magazine having a special effect.
  • Nerfed Desert Eagle .44 Ext. 10rnd mag, now decreases reload speed by 0.05/s per shot.
  • This is what the mag was supposed to have when I added the gun and this magazine, same for the stock magazine except that one was not supposed to have a special effect.
  • Increased SPAS-12 Fire rate (250rpm > 350rpm) to match it's real fire rate in semi-auto
  • Slightly decreased SPAS-12 Damage (12 > 10)
  • Slightly increased G18c reload time (1.0s > 1.25s)
  • Changed Firing Range Target models and functionality, they should now display damage numbers & hitmarkers.
  • Changed DPS target to now display damage taken during the second before it registers it.
  • Nerfed AK Depleting Stock (3.0 > 2.0 accuracy per bullet fired)
  • Nerfed AK Efficient Stock (25.0 > 15.0 for successful hit)
  • Fixed an embarrassing grammar mistake of "Reticle" - I do not want to talk about it.
  • Changed AR-Series 20rnd. Mag from using the combo gimmick to depleting gimmick instead.
  • Reduced size of player projectiles (15 > 10 units)
  • Changing the reticle color in the mods menu will now update the preview reticles. 

Bug Fixes:

  • Fixed FPS limit and V-Sync settings not applying.
  • Fixed flash-light/headlight key-bind not being able to be changed.
  • Fixed recoil not resetting after recoil buffs get reset.
  • Fixed recoil updating only for the shot that was fired beforehand.
  • Fixed assisted Semi-auto not working.
  • Fixed specific hud animations and player gunfire noise emitters being triggering for every projectile spawned in a single shot, mostly effected shotguns.
  • Fixed fresh installs defaulting to the wrong crosshair choices
  • Crosshairs should now start off with the + shape on fresh installs.
  • Fixed Desert Eagle .44 using 2 bullets for each bullet loaded when reloading.
  • This was caused by a feature that allows tweaking ammo economy for specific weapons but forgot to revert it after adding Magnum Ammo.
  • Fixed firing sounds not following the gun causing firing sounds to be heard in one ear more than the other when strafing.
  • Fixed gun reload sounds not following the gun causing similar problems described in the note above.
  • Fixed enemies getting caught at the bottom of the stairs to the roof of the building in the Oil Rig map.
  • Fixed crosshairs misrepresenting accuracy when the UI is scaled lower/greater than 1.0 scale.
  • Fixed player being able to reload despite not having any ammo to load into the gun.
  • Fixed an obscure resource duplication glitch involving hitting an item's hitbox multiple times before it disappeared to grant it's resources multiple times.
  • Fixed DPS Target not registering hits.
  • Fixed accuracy worsening if accuracy values are negative. Accuracy should now never surpass below 0.
  • Fixed recoil going negative when using recoil reducing attachments, excluding the muzzle breaks.
  • Fixed selecting an optic's reticle outside of the Firing range not properly changing the reticle. 

Misc Changes:

  • Moved enemy widget info transforms way up to prevent obscuring targets from longer distances when dealing damage and when multiple targets are next to each other's silhouette.
  • Moved damage number transforms a little lower to prevent obscuring targets from longer distances when dealing damage.
  • Changed fire rate buffs to only effect firing semi-auto. (Don't worry you didn't miss much, there were no fire-rate mods to begin with but some will be added in the future.)
  • A whole bunch of optimizations to features like hit-markers, options saving/loading, hud elements, Aiming Down Sights, impact sounds of some physics objects, the mod menu.
  • Cleared out some old unused assets
  • Changed Splash Screen
  • Increased Armoury screen size 

Known Issues:

  • Optic Reticle can sometimes appear outside of the optic during specific weapon animations.
  • An unintended menu select sound will be played when opening the options menu slightly louder than the volume settings set.

Hope y'all have a wonderful Christmas and New Years.


free-fire-endless-demo-win64.zip 790 MB
Version 18 80 days ago

Get Ballistic Chaos (Formerly Free Fire) - Endless Demo

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