A downloadable game for Windows

Ballistic Chaos is an action first-person shooter that gives players a custom tailored gaming experience in the form of weapons that can be customized with attachments that offer unique effects as well as armours of varying yet familiar types and rewarding players for their quick thinking and fast paced reactions.

You are "Subject Zero", a victim of fate and super soldier experimentation. With no memory of your previous life, you find yourself in the middle of a one-sided war between the GLS (Governor's Last Stand) a survival effort comprised as the last human organization corrupt from the inside out against an alien species named "Sentients".

The GLS will lose but they won't go down without a fight, threatening to bring the whole world burning down with them. Being former GLS you side with the Sentients to stop the GLS from causing global devastation.

  • Constant Yet Rewarding Action: Battles will not end until either you break or you break your enemies. Kill Combos will reward you for keeping the action alive, damage you deal will be held in a pot and kills will multiply the pot until the combo ends. Successive hits will extend the combo but taking damage will deduct from the pot so stay on your toes.
  • Demanding Weapon Attachments: Instead of attachments giving trade-offs or straight upgrades, Free Fire's attachments require you to fulfil a specific gimmick in order to reap the full benefit of the attachment. An example of one of the gimmicks are: Landing shot on an enemy without missing would grant damage or accuracy.
  • Armoured Preferences: There's an armour for every kind of player, from the familiar classic and modern day types like repairable armours or regenerating shields, there's also a mix of both. Repairable regenerating armours, Starts off brittle but will keep you healthy as long as you keep dodging bullets.

The Endless Demo currently only features a typical wave-based endless archetype, placing you in an arena that gets flooded with enemies and you have to dispatch as many waves as possible in one sitting and gaining the highest wave, kills & score possible.


free-fire-endless-demo-win64.zip 790 MB
Version 18 79 days ago

Install instructions

Recommended: Install game through the Itch.io app for quick, up-to-date patches.

Manuel: Download the .zip files and unzip where ever you wish and launch the executable inside the folder and you're ready to play the game!

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